Thursday, 20 March 2014


PKP : Image from
I didn’t think I will be writing a post before sharing my outline, but I guess this is how it is being unfolded. I just finished reading an article on “les Affaires” about the powers Pierre Karl Péladeau, PKP, enjoyed throughout his life. For those who are not living in Quebec, at the time I am writing this post, Quebec is going through another election to elect a provincial party to lead us for another week or two before the next elections. PKP sudden move as a representative of the Partie Quebecois, PQ party, took people by surprise and made him Quebec’s most powerful politician.

Anyways, I suddenly had the burning desire to share the insight I had, so here it is.   One of the sections of my book (or ebook, which ever comes first) is about secrecy. See, during my journey to the “dark side” (this is what engineers refer to the commercial department), I made sure to make my superiors comfortable with me, to the point that they sometimes shared their secrets during our one-on-ones. Though I will not share the juicy parts in this ebook because I do not want to get sued, but I will share with you what marked me most. I love to learn about the books people read, especially from the people I aspire to learn from. One particular manager once shared with me that he read and re-read what he called the “Book of Power”, The concise 48 laws of power by Robert Greene. This isn’t the kind of book people brag about reading. You can go ahead and read all the comments and critics and how evil people thought about this book here, but I did take the time to read it and I will refer to it more throughout my book. To my amazement, it unlocked some of the most counter intuitive behaviours powerful people have.  I will not review the book here, but I would like to refer to law # 3, “conceal your intentions”.   Most people tend to be open and share their thoughts and intentions in public, this is because as social beings, we like to talk, share and connect with others around us. However, most people are not powerful leaders. This trait of PKP was clearly confirmed as I read that one of his wives never knew that he belonged to any specific provincial party during their marriage that ended in 2000. PKP was a powerful businessman with an iron fist. He spoke his mind but never gave the other side a chance to be prepared and he knew how to pull the rug from under his opponents or the companies he acquired knowing when to strike hard. His move to politics destabilized his opponents and investors had no idea what to do. He only, in his mind, knows the exact road he will take whether his party wins or not during those elections. His notoriety will for sure grow exponentially as he plans for his next move. Is it another acquisition, a merger, an investment, a new economy law, no one knows, and that is the beauty of concealing your real intentions.

This specific trait of secrecy does not mean that you have to be evil and start eliminating people from your way. However, it is an essential character you will have to learn to adhere to as you prepare the road to a career shift. I will go in more details in the book, but what you need to know is that the more people know about your intentions, the more obstacles you will have in front of you. Read, learn and plan but never reveal your true intentions until you are ready to strike and ask for what you want with no way for anyone to say no.

Do not go in a cocoon, socializing is imperative to achieving your goals; you just don’t have to share your real ones. Simple.

Not only you will appear as being friendly and sociable, but you will also conceal your intentions and the envious will have no idea what you are up to.

Check out the book of power on Amazon!

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