Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Negative vs Positive Politics

Image courtesy of Naypong /
I had a great conversation last night at the Cocktail Antabli with a friend that lasted for a good two hours about how poisonous his environment has become. I think we both suffered from sugar overdose. Anyway, it's funny because he currently has the job  I applied for eight years ago when I was scrambling for work (I might tell you about it sometime). In a nutshell, he was approved for a promotion from all management levels but was backstabbed by a suck up  who managed to steal it from him. How did that happen you ask? Simple, wrong management priorities! There was a good reason my friend managed to get all those approvals, he was a talented engineer who was able to take bold steps during very narrow windows of opportunity to shine and bring his employer big $$, he was a rockstar.

Thursday, 20 March 2014


PKP : Image from
I didn’t think I will be writing a post before sharing my outline, but I guess this is how it is being unfolded. I just finished reading an article on “les Affaires” about the powers Pierre Karl PĂ©ladeau, PKP, enjoyed throughout his life. For those who are not living in Quebec, at the time I am writing this post, Quebec is going through another election to elect a provincial party to lead us for another week or two before the next elections. PKP sudden move as a representative of the Partie Quebecois, PQ party, took people by surprise and made him Quebec’s most powerful politician.